Security Protocol


#StaySafeOnSet #BetterOnTogetherStudios #StudiosContraElVirus #RentalsContraElVirus

1. Communication to all our personnel and suppliers of essential and updated information on the protocols to follow, with the supervision and control of our advisory companies in the field of Occupational Risk Prevention.

2. Provision of the mandatory PPE to our staff (gloves, masks, disinfectant gel, …) and, if possible, availability of stock for those customers who wish to purchase them.

3. Sanitization of all facilities and rental equipment with the methods authorized by the Ministry of Health, with special reinforcement in the most sensitive areas and elements, also adding special measures in the collection, delivery and checking of material:
   • All the rental equipment will be delivered previously disinfected and the packages will carry a label that indicates it, at the time of their delivery on set or when they leave our facilities. Upon returning the material, all the equipment will be disinfected before being stored.

   • The collection and return areas of the material will be differentiated to the maximum, avoiding matching several clients in these areas.

   • Deliveries will be made to pre-established contact persons and at the agreed times, in order to respect the social distancing measures and safety and hygiene instructions of the Ministry of Health in force at the time. In this way, we will avoid unnecessary crowds.

   • All our personnel who have physical contact with any equipment at the time of delivery or return will wear the appropriate individual protection equipment (masks, gloves, disinfectant gel …), hand washing always being the first gesture of prevention. For tests and material checks at our facilities, we recommend that each client bring their own protective material. In case of not carrying it, you can acquire it as long as we have stock available.

   • The bulkiest material (lighting, grip, production material) will be subjected to deep disinfection processes. Methods and products validated by the Ministry of Health and recommended by equipment manufacturers will be used for this.

4. Control of gauging in the facilities to enable the social distancing measures in force at the time.

5. Special management of generated waste sensitive to infection.

6. In addition to these, additional measures will be applied by those studios and equipment rental companies that, due to their size, business model and specific characteristics, require it.

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